Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fax About Me #I : I like Incubus?

Writing in a blog is something new for me. Should I write as if I am a concerned reporter that is wondering what is wrong with this world? How can we fix it? Why Am I asking so many questions? Do people only read this because they Google "Spongebob Squarepants Sex"? If so, that brings me back to my original question: What is wrong with this world?

What I am really used to writing, besides term papers filled with bull, is poetry. It seems impossible for me to not put my feelings into metaphor. Many times rhyming words seem to come out of me like some kind of ectoplasm, leaving a part of me on paper. As you can see, it is a real problem.

But ladies and gentlemen, what I am really here to talk about is the band Incubus. Many of those who know me know my obsession with this band already. However, in the last week, they have engulfed my life. I am actually listening to them now as we speak. If you have not listened to said band, I suggest you do so. They have an ability to relate to any relationship or loss of relationship that you and I could possibly have.

To those whom I have had a "falling out" with, they have a song for them that says exactly what I am thinking. Actually they have about ten. I would show a few lyrics, but I feel like the rest of this blog will be full of lyrics pertaining to other situations. So for your sake and mine, I'll leave this paragraph lyric free.

I also was in an 18 month relationship that had just ended two weeks ago. Though I feel emotional at times, I can listen to Incubus and know that someone has felt the same way as I do, and can put it perfectly into words. The CD that really applies to me at the moment is "Light Grenades." To me, it is seen as the 'break up' album. It has lines that anyone out of a relationship can relate to. E.g. "You and I are like Oil and Water, and we've been trying to mix it up" or "Love hurts but sometimes it's a good hurt and it feels like I'm alive. Love sings, when it transcends the bad things, have a heart and try me 'cause without love I won't survive." In a very poetic way, this says: though falling out of love can feel like you are emotionally dying, it is what we need to carry on. Though love in one place has died, love will live on. We just have to find it.

For those in a relationship, Incubus has about ten songs for you too! "Echo" is my favorite song of theirs because it is the theme song for those hopeless romantics that dream of falling in love at first sight. In songs such as "I Miss You," Brandon compares the lucky lady in his life to "a three-fold Utopian dream." If that is not the most poetic romantic line, then I don't know what is!

I have found that I have grown up with Incubus, almost maturing with them (even though they are probably 15 years older than me). Each album has its own feeling and sound, while still being able to sound like Incubus. They are not like bands, such as Kings of Leon and Muse, who completely changed their sound, because they most likely could not perfect their own. This new CD "If not now, when?" has songs such as "Promises, Promises." This song is most likely about Brandon sleeping with girls that he has no feelings for, believe it or not. To be specific, it says that he is taking the "road of least resistance." This leads me to ask, is this my future? We will have to just wait and see I guess!

My final thought about Incubus is how they affect me. When talking to my one friend, I was trying to explain, though it sounds cheesy, this band touches my soul. The way I see it, there is music for music sake, music to make a point, and music for a spiritual purpose. Churches with gospel choirs are able to do the same thing to people that this band is able to do to me. This band is why I can see people needing religion in their life. All I have to do is listen and I have hope, and I am proud of myself, and I know not to dwell on things that will only hurt me.

It is also why I can see people using drugs. I know that a lot of people listen to Incubus while high, but I'm not one to do such things. Personally, I do not think the drugs are necessary to feel their music. This fact makes me think though. Simply, I was able to compare both religion and drug usage to music. These are two things that many people would argue are completely different things. Though I do see similarities, I would not look at the drugs or the religion as being the major factors in this equation. Music is. It is the one thing that crosses boundaries. I may not be able to speak the same language as you, but we could react the same to certain music. I just say this, because I think it is really beautiful.


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