Friday, November 12, 2010

Entry 2: Afternoon Sensible Nonsense

Good afternoon people whom I'm forcing to read this by forwarding this link to a multiple of times.  I'd like to thank you for humoring me through these early entries that no one actually wants to read.  But to persuade you to stay and read, despite the fact that this entry'll prolly be a lesser entry in quality compared to it's predecessor(lulz, what a persuasion technique...Really separates the Clintons from the Perots, Yanowhatimsayin'?), I'm going to embrace all of you one giant, conglomerate compliment.  You're beautiful, handsome/pretty, nice, friendly, and a wonderful friend.  =)  Now then, now that your attention was seized by the throat, let's move into the main subject matter of this particular blog(which I frankly still don't know what that is).

I primarily started this blog to write short, recurring stories, since one day I dream to be a writer in television.  Don't mistake me, if it doesn't happen, my dreams won't be forever crushed, and I won't be a shell of a man, who's so empty that it destroys his would-be-marriage, and results in a serious case of alcoholism.  However, I haven't really had a wonderful concept yet.  The ones that keep bouncing around my head are ones that have to do with detectives, like a walking P.I brain that wears a trench coat and a fedora, and talks like Edward G. Robinson and his sidekick who's a street savvy pig who also is a P.I(the pun being a P.I.Gee...Because he's street savvy....yeah), or short stories about common economic misconceptions featuring a shortsighted bull and a depressed bear....Or just your generic family featuring a fat, stupid dad, a naive attractive mother, and two kid, both of which are probably smarter than their parents...Suffice to say, these ideas are lacking, and clearly come from a man forcing ideas.  Unless of course I wrote these with the joke being that they are indeed forced, but frankly, I don't know how well I can enforce such a premise.  Anyway, it's these set backs that are prohibiting me from writing what would be known to you, all 3 and a half of my "faithful" readers, as ART.

Next order of business.

Hockey's the best sport.  No one cares about hockey, so I won't even start with that.

Point of order.
Everyone needs to see The Grapes of Wrath, Vertigo, City Lights, Modern Times, Duck Soup, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Breakfast at Tiffany's, among others.  I think I'm going to write short reviews for old film in various blogs, just to entice you people to perhaps see these films.

Moving on.
College is stressful, and consumes more time than it ethically and morally should.  Obviously it's shaping our futures, but I have the right to bitch.(again, no censoring...How I bet people 200 years ago such as Bram Stoker wish they were me.)


I have a feeling the comments I make within parenthesis are the wittiest things I say, or will ever say.  But regardless, I apologize for this blog being of lesser quality...It's mainly me spit-balling ideas for future reference as I try to come up for reasons for my cheering section to read this....Because me rambling like this surely won't keep people enthralled for very long....Anyway, to make up for all of this tom foolery, I now present to you Optimus Prime as a Green Lantern.  GOOD DAY!

-P. Vincent Casey

1 comment:

  1. cocks cocks cockscockscocks
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