Thursday, November 11, 2010

Entry 1: Ground Rules and the Setting of them, Up.

Ok, folks, now I'm not yo' big city blogguh.  I wear suspenders, bolo ties, and pure white suits pretty much ev'ry whur I go.  Now that being said, I say, now that being said! I'm none too bright when it comes to these here fancy blogging sites, but if you stick with me, I'll stick witchu, and we can both reap the benefits of a blazing blog just like the south did before the yanks passed the 13th amendment....Talking like an 1870's southern colonel aside, this is essentially yet another pretentious college student making due with his spare time by writing a blog that no one, and I mean no one will read!  So, in knowing that, I intend to take full and complete advantage of that knowledge, as much as I possibly can.  It's like putting Richard Pryor on TV, the censoring clearly only would prohibit both of us from expressing our ideas to their fullest, and funniest.  I can guarantee one thing though, if you read this blog, you'll be laughing so hard you'll be spitting out sassafras!(even if you hadn't previously ingested any actual sassafras...)

I can't really guarantee anything being written on a daily or weekly basis.  I'm not even entirely sure what the point of this blog is yet, to be honest.  I sort of want to write short, go no where stories in here that are sporadically recurring.  I know no one will really care much for them or about, and again, this is just another college student's blog, but it's a decent outlet for in between studying.  This here blog may contain a lot of bitching about politics, mostly bipartisan bitching(the best kind of bitching), dirty limericks, old timey talk, reviews of old film, music, I dunno, The sky's the limit!(And yes, me saying bitching 3(now 4) times in one paragraph, is me reaping the benefits of no censoring.  So, thusly(transitions in an informal blog, shit yeah) Excelsior to you, all 0-10 of my readers!

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