Friday, August 19, 2011

Fax About Me #IV: Summer Songs

As this Summer comes to a close, I realize that it has been the most eventful Summer I have ever had. In Past Summers, I find myself sitting around my house until I turn to mush. I did not do that this Summer. Instead I was out either working or gallivanting on one of many adventures with my friends. My friends are what kept me sane as my personal life started to crumble a little. Even though emotionally I was bending, I did not break. Because of this, I was able to keep a smile on my face.

What I noticed with this Summer, along with every other Summer, is that there were songs that defined the times I had. I strongly associate the Summer of 2006 with songs such as "Hair" by the Early November and bands such as Panic! at the Disco. The Summer of 2009 was defined by the song "Oscar Wilde" by Company of Thieves and bands like Motion City Soundtrack. So how could I not put my most eventful Summer into song? This is a list of the five songs that have defined this Summer.

5) Set Guitars to Kill - And So I Watch You From Afar (Late August)

So I just heard this song last week and I am completely hooked on this band. I am completely digging Post-Rock, especially when it gets a little harder like this. I have listened to this cd about 3 times in the past week. It is so good!

4) The Wrong Way - Bayside (June)

Both Incubus and Bayside, my two favorite bands, released CDs this Summer and they were both great. The song that stuck with me from Bayside's new album was called "The Wrong Way." It is not just for the great lyrics that all Bayside songs have, but the crazy guitar solo that I feel no one sees coming.

3) Promises, Promises - Incubus (July)

I am glad to say that a lot of my co-workers also love the band Incubus. They may not be as crazy as me about them, but still they love them. With that being said, there is no surprise that we listened to songs from this cd over and over again at work. I'm pretty sure the girls weren't as happy with it as we were.

2) I Got - Young the Giant (Beginning of July)

There was a moment in this Summer where I just sung this song over and over. The funny thing is, all the words I knew at the time were "I Got." This happened after me and a few friends saw Young the Giant at a free show in Philly. Luckily for the mediocre bands that opened for them, Young the Giant put on a spectacular show. I will be looking forward to seeing them open for my favorite band Incubus on September 10th.

1) Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO (Late July - Present)

I work at a day camp, and every time we had a chance to dance we would blast this song and go crazy dancing. Once work ended, I went to Delaware for a week and we just listened to LMFAO non-stop. Yes, all their songs are the same chord progression, but they are worth a shot because you might just get crazy. I learned the basic moves of the dance, so if you want to see me move, you know what song to play.

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