Monday, August 1, 2011

Entry 28: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

Finally after 10,000 years I am free!  And it's time to conquer Earth!

The immortal words that Rita Repulsa spewed as she entered our hearts as the vile immortal nemesis of 5 teenagers with attitude back in 1993!  Of course, I speak of:  The Power Rangers!  When the world is under attack from Rita Repulsa and her fiendish monsters, who better to defend us all, than the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!

The Power Rangers were a group of teenagers from Angel Grove, California who were granted with amazing powers channeled through their mechanical zords, who fought the good fight every day against some fiendish ghouls whipped up on the moon by Rita.  Yeah.

Anyway, today's entry is about the original 5(6) Rangers of season one, the only good season, of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Series, and what better to get this blog kickin' than with this!

(I would have used an actual introduction, like from the show, but none of the ones I found could be embedded...Wut?)

Anyway, before we get to all the fun puttie-kicking goodness, let's just discuss a few....FUN FACTS!


-The Power Rangers were based off the Super Sentai series, which was in it's 16th season at the time, and borrowed it's costumes, giant robots, villains, and quite a bit of it's footage too.

- Austin St. John and Jason Frank (The original Red and Green Rangers) were the only adept Martial Artists on the show.

-Thuy Trang, the original Yellow Ranger, died in a car accident in 2001.

-Yeah, Power Rangers is pretty stereotypical in the first season, for sure.

-That's about it, now let's get to the commentary.

Okay, so if you remember anything about the three seasons of the original series, it's that their zords changed in all three seasons.  The reason for that is because of the fact that the Super Sentai Series changes every year with different "rangers" and different "zords."  Hence why there's a new Power Ranger series every year since MMPR's popularity waned.  But because the original Power Rangers were so popular in this country, they kept the same rangers and costumes, and just changed the robots and stuff.  In fact, the White Ranger was created strictly for the American version of the show. 

Anyway, let's re-introduce the cast, shall we?  IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!

Billy, Trini, Tommy, Jason, Kimberly, and Zach...

 Everyone had a favorite ranger.  Mine was the cliche'....The Red Ranger.  I mean, red has always been my favorite color, so that's what inspired the five year old in me, but I always liked the alphas as a kid too....(Not this Alpha)

Alpha 5

But when I watch Power Rangers today, I look beyond all the plot holes, and bad acting, and bad dubbing in some cases, and I see some rad 90's teenagers who stick it to Rita Repulsa.  Is there anything wrong with that?  Beside, the Megazord was pretty Bad Ass.

And so was the Dragon Zord:

And so was the way the Green Ranger called the Dragon Zord.

He played a dagger like a flute, without having visible flips to put on said flute.... Choice.

Power Rangers were your marquee 90's kid show, I mean they had awesome action, and in between battles, encouraged kids to go out and do stuff.  Like all 90's shows did.  But instead, because it was so awesome, kids didn't go out and exercise and just stayed in and got fat.  And that's how we got to where we are today.  In other words, my hypothesis is that the Power Rangers were so cool that they're why a generation of people are obese.  Yeah.

Anyway, I hoped you liked this blog, and found it :Morphinomenal" than any of my others. 

Until next time, MORPHIN' OUT! (It's a GIF, click it...)

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