Friday, May 27, 2011

Entry 18: In Brightest Day, In Darkest Night, Mortal Kombat 9 will Test Your Might

Aloha citizens of Blogtopia, what brings you to the humble abode that is my blog?  You wish to read entertaining entries with casual swearing, you say?  Well then, you've come to the right place, because if there's one thing this blog is notorious for, it's casual swearing.  Hell Damn Fart!  Anyway, sorry for the long delay between entries, I've been caught up with collegiate finals and camaraderie of summer that I haven't had time to write jibberish on this here blog.  Now I know you've all waited with bated breath for my next entry after I wrote sheer poetry when discussing the importance of cyborgs in popular culture, but today I come to you to discuss the Green Lantern movie and the newest Mortal Kombat!  So, I hope you've got your mouse ready to skim through this filler entry, because it promises to be one of my better filler entries.

In brightest day,
In darkest night, 
No evil shall escape myself sight, 
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power, 
Green Lantern's Light!

Alan Scott

A little backstory regarding the Green Lantern Corps before I write about the upcoming Warner Brothers Film, the Green Lantern mythos began in July of 1940, when a young railroad engineer by the name of Alan Scott who found a magical green lamp which was prophesied to bring him great power.  He subsequently isn't a real Green Lantern, that is, he isn't part of the Green Lantern Corps officially, but in modern times, he is considered an honorary Green Lantern.  19 years later, when the Golden Age of Superhero characters were fading into obscurity(Except the trinity of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman), many of the Golden Age characters were reinvented such as the Flash, Hawkeye, etc.  Along with all these reinvented characters included the Green Lantern mythos.  Hal Jordan was a test pilot who had a fateful encounter with the greatest Green Lantern perhaps second only to Sinestro, Abin Sur who was dying.(Whenever a Green Lantern dies, their ring searches for a living thing that possesses great willpower and courage.)  Hal Jordan takes the ring and joins the ranks of the intergalatic police force, the Green Lantern Corps.

The Green Lantern and his supporting cast has been a staple for DC Comics for 40 years, with 5 Earth Based Lanterns, and many crazy aliens, such as the comic community beloved, Kilowag.(ya Poozer), and has experienced resurfaced popularity since Geoff Johns took over the title in 2004 with the reboot, Green Lantern: Rebirth through Brightest Day.  Which leads us to the up and coming Summer Blockbuster.

Plot wise, from everything I can see thus far, the newest Green Lantern film starring Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Mark Strong, and Peter Sarsgaard looks very promising.  It explores the Green Lantern Universe, has a good first movie villain in Hector Hammond and appears to be displaying foreshadowing of future villains with the very embodiment of fear, Parallax, and the fallen Lantern, Sinestro.  Strictly speaking about plot, it's very promising.

Cast?  I think they got it all right, Mark Strong, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard all look like pretty promising selections, and as for Mark Reynolds.  I have my skepticism, being a long time Green Lantern reader, but I'm naively optimistic, and think he'll be fine.

The most gripes I've heard is regarding about how the film looks, especially the costume.  I actually think the costume looks just fine, and makes the Green Lantern look very alien and futuristic, and like a true uniform.  I think the planet Oa(Where Lanterns are based) looks absolutely stunning, and all and all, I'm very optimistic about this movie, and I entice everyone to give it a chance.

Sorry 'bout that tangent boys and girls, but let's talk about something far more bloody.  And by that, I mean Mortal Kombat. 
Come Over Here!

Little known fact about this author is that I'm actually a big fan of this Midway series, having played every game extensively....At least every main game(Shaolin Monks doesn't count, etc.), having played 4 the fewest.  Anyway, I played Mortal Kombat 9, which essentially served as a reboot to the series, taking it back to it's roots by making it extra bloody and grotesque than usual.  This series really took it back to it's roots, there was special preordering downloadable content that gave classic characters, Sub Zero, Scorpion, as well as Ermac, Noob Saibot, Reptile, and Smoke their original ninja costumes.  There's even Downloadable content to give Cyrax and Sektor their original costumes as well.  Storyline wise, the series takes place between the first 3 games, starting with the first Mortal Kombat tournament introducing Shang Tsung, leading into the second establishing the evil emperor of outworld, Shao Khan.  It showcases the Cyborg Ninjas, Cyrax and Sektor as humans, and even introduces Sub Zero as a Cyborg!  So clearly, they did a lot right, but what about gameplay you ask?  Addicting.  The combos are all there, the fatalities, babalities, stage fatalities, all there.  There's even a new feature called X-Ray attacks where you can see just how bone crunching your blows truly are.  This is probably the most violent Mortal Kombat game ever.  I strongly endorse this title, boys and girls.

Anyway, that's enough of this guy.

Au Revoir!

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