Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fax About Me #III: Turning 21

Instead of telling everyone about how my 21st birthday went, I decided to write a blog about it from beginning to now. The night itself felt like it flew by as if it only lasted a couple minutes. I hope I can remember enough of it to tell you all about it.

Being Responsible

On the day of my birthday, I had to work at 7:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. So there was no way I was going to go out the night before. I had waited 21 years, I could wait another couple of hours. By the time 11 pm rolled around I was beat, but I had to stay up to see the first Facebook notifications I would get at Midnight. At around 12:15 I clocked out so I could clock into work in the morning. I work at day camp, where every day is a different theme. The theme on my birthday ended up being one of my favorite things in the world: the Muppets. I helped plan said day and it was a huge success!! I was Kermit, of course, and like all main characters, I had kids trying to pull off my costume. After the work day was over, I had to go home and wash all the green dye out of my hair. Then all I did was wait. I waited and waited until I left at 8:30.

Being Less Responsible

I got there early because I was excited, Devin and Kevin did not. While we waited for Kevin who was tied up at the moment, Devin gave me my first legal drink. The Culprit? A Mongolian Mother. I learned that a Mongolian Mother had 7 different types of alcohol in it (including a vodka that is the second most potent vodka in the world) and is equal to about 4 beers. Well, I had two along with a Swedish fish and Big Red. When Kevin showed up, I was already feeling it. So what did Kevin do? He ordered me a soco with a jager bomb. We said our goodbyes to Devin and moved from Starters to Mcgrady's. As I walked in, I remember the bouncer saying something like "Happy Birthday, don't puke on my floor!"

This is where the story gets a little more fuzzy. I met a table of people sitting with Matty that probably hated how obnoxious I was by the end of the night. I then had a beer and two Alabama Slammas. Kevin brought a girl over to give me a kiss on the cheek for my birthday. When she said "It's your 21st?" I said "Yeah" and whipped out my ID, that I dropped straight into a pitcher of beer. It was almost as if I tried to do it. But to get back on track, the people I met were Nikki, Jenna, Matta, John, James, Jake, Jeff, Val, Brian and Norv. I am so good at remembering names! I remember that I kept hitting the table and John kept yelling at me for it. I said "Sorry" like I did about a million times that night. I do not know how it happened, but one of the times that I hit the table, I hit over two beers which dumped on Nikki's phone. By this time, I was totally "that guy" and I felt like everyone hated me. But at the same time, I feel like everyone understood. The waitress came up and asked me about some guy that didn't pay, I don't know how I knew who it was...but I figured out that it was Jeff. Me being me, I searched the place up and down for him but could not find him.
Norv looked like the Bassist from Protest the Hero

I remember leaving, but I do not remember why we had to leave. I would have liked to stay longer. We stopped at Taco bell and I got 3 tacos which I probably got all over Kevin's car. After that we went to Jake's place and hung out. James and Jake played Magic with Molly and Val, while Kevin and I just hung out. It was an anticlimactic end to a good night, but it is what it is. Now that I a retelling the story, I am actually amazed at how much I do not remember. This is because when I woke up, I felt like I remember every detail of the night.

The Morning After

I woke up with a really dry mouth and a little bit of an upset stomach. However, once I got in Kevin's car I felt bright eyed and bushy tailed. I was amazed at how perfectly fine I really felt. When I got home I took a look at myself in the mirror and there was just something different about me. Normally when people ask "Happy Birthday, feel any older?" I respond with a "No, not really." This time was different. This time, I'm not a kid anymore.

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