Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Entry 13: Tale of Two Blogs, Pokemon Generation IV, and Baseball

Here’s the tale of two blogs.  Two blogs that are so radically different from one another that they’re actually dramatically the same.  In other words, it’s the same blog, in two mediums, just to increase my exposure to the internet.  But.  To make things more complicated, the blog on blogspot is on entry 17, and the one on tumblr is on 1.  By the time the Blogspot is on entry 50, the blog on tumblr will be on 33.  How confusing is that, bros and brahs?  Anyway, moving on.
Here’s the link to the Tumblr blog:
Pokemon Generation 4 is winding to an end with the impending release of the generation 5 games, Pokemon Black and White(a blog will be dedicated to their release when the game is released) So, with that said, here’s a blog dedicated to Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver.  The last two being direct remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver.  Anyway, the 4th generation contained a variety of crap pokemon, that’s for sure, but the gameplay was fun, and there were handful of serious pokebros.  The series, in my opinion has yet to dull, and consumes a fair amount of my life.  Soul Silver just happened to be my favorite pokemon game yet though.  Basically because I loved Silver more than any other pokemon game, even red, and a remake just basically made me cream myself.  Everyone has their series they’ve been playing since they were a kid.  Mario.  Sonic.  Donkey Kong.  Mine happens to be Pokemon.  Anyway, good series overall, and I’m looking forward to Black and White’s impending release.

Moving right along, next matter of business is that Baseball season is upon us with Spring Training coming up and players already reporting to camps.  I for one, am ecstatic for the impending season.  Two power houses stand from each league in the Red Sox and the Phillies, and I think a lot of people are truly electrified for this coming season.  Especially in the Philadelphia region now that they have 4 aces…
Anyway, long season, and i’m simply registering my sentiments ahead of time of my impending excitement.  That’s about it.  Until next time.


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