Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yo, this is the 10th entry and it has content pertaining to the NHL Guardians, Independence, and Generic Wawa Drank.

Here we are folks, time for another blog entry.  I dunno about the rest of you, but I hit a serious 4-5 week writing block.  Shit was not cash.  However, listening to Bomb the Music Industry and drinking some serious generic wawa drank while wearing superman jammie bottoms and a let it be shirt, I can honestly say this newly rediscovered independence is pretty righteous as my 1980's born would attest.  Or, as Milhouse would say, "radical."  'Cause that was his catchphrase.  Anyway, I got really tired of my title formula that I used for the first 10 entries, so I rearranged that.  If you want to stay alive in this business, and I don't mean that cannibalistic airplane movie.(fathom that, planes eating eachother, what the shit?)  Anyway, I'm back and bigger and badder than ever.  You're favorite resident blogging badass.  And the good news, the writing in this is more pretentious than ever.(Not unlike the author, obviously.)

FIRST MATTER OF BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The NHL and Stan Lee have teamed up for a new Guardian Project.  What's a Guardian Project?  The Guardian Project is an idea where Stan Lee takes every NHL team and recreates them into a superhero, often taking the city from which the team is from into heavy account.  Suffice to say, it's a neat, cute little idea.  And being a huge hockey AND comic books fan you'd think I'd adore it.  Lawlz.  Well.  A lot of the creations that Stanley Lieber(Stan Lee) has created are pretty plagiarized looking, or pretty crappy looking.... That really pains me to say.  For I love Stan Lee, and I love Hockey.  And I know I couldn't do any better or anything, but....c'mon.  Allow me to introduce you to a good one.  And a bad one. And a plagiarized one. 

Here's the Oiler...He's all right....

This is his bio though:

"The Oiler" is serious in a way that only a guy living on the outskirts of the most northern Canadian metropolis can be. He's gritty and tough like the roughneck oilrig workers he mostly associates with. He loves getting his hands dirty and not only doesn't he shy away from hard, physical work, he relishes it. He spends a majority of his time roaming the Northwest Territories. He's most happy when he's exploring the vast northern wilderness.

He does have a lighter side although his superhero buddies don't always get his quirky sense of humor. He's a modern day Cain constantly searching for the wisdom that he's certain the frozen north has to offer.

In stature you'd be hard pressed to find a more impressive Guardian. He's a 10 and a half-foot tall and 950-pound mountain of muscle. Whether it's blasting bad guys with torrents of energized oil, engulfing them in a horrendous blizzard or crushing through concrete walls, the Oiler is one devastating Guardian.


Here's a bad one:

Silver Surfer Surf Board.....Also, sweet Mohawk bro.  And here's his bio....:

'The Lightning' is a man of action, he is brazen and cocky. Like the pirates who inhabited the Tampa area 200 years ago, he is impetuous and unpredictable. He's feisty and fun and he is a natural ladies man with an in-your-face bravado. He is determined to save the world from harm, and wants to look good doing it. Physically he looks like a dashing young teenager complete with an electric blue Mohawk.  He wears a rubber suit, that resembles a wetsuit but far more durable, that insulates his electrical current and allows him to walk amongst others without burning them to a crisp.

He can move at the speed of lightning and can travel from place to place using power lines or any electrical current. At a moment’s notice he can summon lightning from the sky and harness its devastating energy.  He can focus electric lightning blasts from his fingertips and his internal electrical charge could light an entire blacked out city. His most devastating weapon however is what he calls his "Bolt Spear" which is essentially a highly energized lightning rod that he can create in the palm of his hand.

And here's the plagiarized one.  Cyclops.  I Mean the Penguin.  Why even?  I mean, I guess Stan Lee can plagiarize his own creation, but.....but....Um.  Here's his bio.

"The Penguin" as a character mirrors the recent history of the city of Pittsburgh. He was raised the son of a steel worker and he grew up watching his dad work in the steel mills. The toughness and gritty determination to provide left an indelible imprint on him.

However, he's a visionary and he loves thinking about how to improve the world around him especially when it comes to his native Pittsburgh. He is a gifted inventor and has a love of science and innovation.

Of all the Guardians, the Penguin is the least willing to be placed into a box. He considers himself a renaissance man, able to adapt to a variety of conditions. In exterior appearance, the Penguin is an impressive looking superhero, mostly human features except for a set of Penguin like wings attached to his arms. The wings, like that of an actual Penguin, don't enable him to fly but rather they allow him to maneuver both in the air and especially at sea. 

So, that's a little taste of the NHL Guardians.  Now, I know what you're saying, "It's prolly just for kids, why so mad, bro?"  Well, they're going to make it into some kind of huge event at the NHL All Star Game....It'll be either unintentionally hilarious, or just bad....If I'm wrong, then SWEET.  That'd be awesome, to be honest.  But, if you want to see the rest of the revealed so far, just venture off here:!/theguardianproject 

Okay, so, being back at the fair University that I humbly reside at, I'm completely independent.  I have to be organized, and do everything by myself.  I've noticed a consider social withdraw on my half.  There's plenty of reasons to attribute to that, but none worth delving into on here.  However, I feel like such a growned up here.  What with all the responsibility I has here.  No, but seriously.  Independence isn't a bad thing at all.

And finally, I'd just like to wish everyone a good new semester.  You can do anything you set your mind to.  But to find a little extra motivation, drink some Tropical Punch, brought to you exclusively by Wawa.

(I can't even find a picture of it....Too generic.)


1 comment:

  1. The Penguin is DEFINITELY plagiarized. Check this shit out:
