Saturday, December 11, 2010

Entry #8 Ice Rinks and Macca

 Okay, so I just saw my first NHL game of the season at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. I know what you're all wondering, did I sustain any bullet wounds? The good news is. No. However the New Jersey Devils, however, sustained many bullet wounds after the Detroit Red Wings came into town and lit them up. That is to say, the Red Wings filled them with bullets. AND. Lit. Them. On. Fire. Anyway, it's not just a treat to see my favorite sports team since I was 6 win in person, and my favorite current player in the league in Henrik Zetterberg score a goal, but it's just a treat going to a hockey game. There's nothing like an ice rink. I can't stress that enough. Hockey rinks fill my lungs with absolute unparalleled exuberance and happiness. Seeing a see of hockey jerseys, hearing the ol' organ, seeing bone crushing hits, jaw breaking fights, and attention seizing goals that define moments. Hockey truly is the best sport, and admittingly, I'm partial toward it having played it for 11 years, and watching it for equally as long. Anyway, if you ever get any opportunity, see a game. At any level. You won't regret it.

Moving on.

Paul McCartney was on SNL this evening, December 11 2010, and he's been appearing in numerous sketches. I must say. I love seeing one of my favorite celebrities active at 68 years of age. I love Paul McCartney, and I like the work he puts out to this day. I love it when Paul is on Saturday Night Live, I dunno. He's a funny guy, and a laid back type of person. Anyway, that's about it.

Edit:  Paul sang his tribute to John too.  Which normally consists of A Day in The Life, Help/Strawberry Fields, and Give Peace a Chance.  Cut a little short for air time, but it's so fitting considering the fact the man it honors died 30 years ago recently.  Paul's a class act.

Macca with SNL Host Paul Rudd

Now to bridge the two topics, in the image below, You'll see Paul playing a 1964 Epiphone Texan with a Red Wings sticker on it. This is the same guitar he played in the video below of him Singing Yesterday. Paul's not a Red Wings fan, but in the late 70's while at a concert at the ol' Olympia Arena in Detroit, Paul really liked the logo of the Red Wings, and took a sticker he received from a fan and put it on the guitar. It also helped that he was in a band called Wings. Anyway, took topics, come together. That's pretty much it for this entry. Stay beautiful readers.

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