Friday, April 15, 2011

Entry 17: Playoffs? Playoffs? We're talking Playoffs here.

This blog is about North America's 3rd/4th favorite professional sport's annual playoffs.  That's right.  We're talking about the National Hockey League's playoffs.  Now it's true the NBA's playoffs are upon us, and we could talk about the NFL's lockout til the cow's come, and we could talk about the beginning of the MLB season, BUT.  We're going to talk about something else that will alienate all my female readers and probably motivate them to never read my blog again, and that's hockey.  This blog is all about hockey.

I love Ice hockey, I truly do, I've played it since I was 7, and after I began learning how to skate I became a fan of the Detroit Red Wings.  I'm often asked why I love Detroit and New York Sports teams.  My love for New York Sports team stems from my upbringing there, but my love for Detroit sports teams is much more unorthodox.  I became a Red Wings fan because, when I was 7, having been learning how to skate, I decided to start paying attention to the sport.  I asked my father to name some teams, and when he named the Red Wings, I immediately decided they would be my favorite team, because my favorite color is red, and wings is animal like, and when I was 7 I loved anything that pertained to animals.  It was sheer coincidence that in the same year I became a Red Wings fan, they won their second of back to back Stanley Cups, beatings the Capitals in 4.  I fell in love with Tomas Holmstrom, Chris Osgood, and Sergei Fedorov that season.  However, it was when the captain, Steve Yzerman handed the paraplegic Vladimir Konstantinov the Stanley Cup in his wheel chair(Konstantinov was a top pairing defenseman for us on the 1997 team who got into a limousine accident over the summer when celebrating the cup win), I realized what it meant to be a leader, and a compassionate human being.  And from that day on, Steve Yzerman became my favorite hockey player, my role model, and the 1997-1998 Detroit Red Wings have remained my all time favorite hockey team since then.

Last Year's Champions, the Chicago Black Hawks

I've been blessed to have been a fan of the most prosperous sports team of the last two decades, and this season we enter our 20th consecutive playoffs dating back to 1991, my birth year.  Since then, we've made the finals 6 times, and won the cup 4 times, I've witnessed 4 of these finals appearances, and 3 of those cups since watching hockey.  However, I think it's well known that I'm a hockey fanatic, I can practically spout of the line up of any team dating back since the lockout ended, simply because I love the sport.  I will sit and watch any game that's on, and really appreciate all the teams in the NHL, and love the decorated history of this prestigious game.  And so, we move into our 94th Stanley Cup playoffs, as we know the NHL today.

Despite being a huge Red Wings fan, I'm a realist when it comes to this game, and seeing the playoffs dawn upon us over the last couple of weeks, I made my own personal predictions.  I have the Sharks v.s the Flyers in the finals, but anything could happen.  Vancouver looks great, the Bruins and Capitals look daunting, anyone can truly make the finals this year, which is what makes this sport so great.  Already, with only the first games passing, we saw Montreal Canadiens goaltender, Carey Price, New York Rangers goaltender, Henrik Lundqvist, and Buffalo Sabres goaltender, Ryan Miller all stand on their heads in the first game, playing exceptionally well.  These playoffs have been nothing short of exciting, and it's only been the first game.  I expect Joe Pavelski, of the San Jose Sharks to have a second consecutive, HUGE playoffs.  I expect Jonathan Toews, of the Chicago Black Hawks, to give his team every possible opportunity, to pull an upset on the Vancouver Canucks, I expect the Montreal Canadiens and Carey Price to frustrate anyone they play against, I expect Chris Pronger to piss off someone, and I expect Nicklas Lidstrom to be perfect, as always.

Bobby Baun's Broken Leg Goal

It's a great time of year when player's lose their teeth, beards grow out(Especially mine), goal horns sound of, and players skate on broken legs ala Bobby Baun.  It's the time of year that'll define a legacy, when history is truly made.  And I for one hope that everybody watches these playoffs with as much excitement and anticipation that I'll be expressing and containing.  Because it'll truly be a memorable experience.

Until next time, looks like Team Rocket's Blasting Off Again!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Entry 16: Everything would be better with Cyborgs except real life.

Hello everyone and welcome to my momentous 20th blog.  Why is it so momentous you ask?  Simple.  I did not think I'd stick with it for as long as I have, and I'm thoroughly impressed that I've gotten this far and have written nonsensical entries about things people don't care about for this long.  It's truly an accomplishment and I deserve all the praise in the world.  Just kidding.  But seriously, I was looking over my views and this blog has been clicked 306 times.  That's pretty awesome for only having 19 entires up til now.  So, even though no one's commenting, it feels okay knowing that people are at least maybe reading my ramblings.  That is, the stark raving  ramblings of a deranged college student, etc.  Anyway.  Today's entry is on one mere topic.  And I feel like it'll be a good one.  Today's topic:  Cyborgs.

The earliest median that I've ever seen with a Cyborg was an old Doctor Who episode from the 60's featuring the Cybermen where the said Cyberman would take human bodies and replace parts with mechanical prosthesis and were emotionless creatures driven by logic.  Not to be confused with Vulcans, which is what this blog is NOT about.  Our popular culture is chop full of Cyborgs with all sorts of goals.  You have the villainous cyborgs, like Metallo, the Superman villain....Cyborg Superman....the Green Lantern and Superman villain, Anakin Skywalker, Androids 16-20(The English dub of Dragonball Z called them Androids, but believe me, they're cyborgs.), The Borg from Star Trek, Doctor Claw from Inspector Gadget, General Grievous from Star Wars, Gigan from Godzilla, etc. etc. etc.You have the hero Cyborgs, like Cyborg of the Teen Titans, Deathlok the Demolisher of Marvel Comics, Robocop, the Spartan from Wildstorm Comics, etc.  And then you have people like the Terminator who are both depending on the movie you watch.(He's actually an Android...)  Cyborgs are in SO much media, and the purpose of this entry is for you, the reader, to agree in seeing just how essential Cyborgs are in every day life.

Before, we go into more detail about why we should have more Cyborgs in everything, let's distinguish between robots, androids, and cyborgs.  Robots are just machines.  Period.  Androids?  Robots that look like humans.  Cyborgs?  A mix of man and machine!  An abomination to everything good and holy as we know it!  And thusly, that is why we should have more Cyborgs in everything....Except real life.  If you notice in the previous paragraph, there are not many heroic cyborgs.  They take the gifts that some scientist gave them and use them for sheer EVIL.  Uncle Ben Parker would be ashamed.(With great power comes great responsibility, etc.)  So with that said, imagine if every book you're reading had a cyborg in it?  Say you're reading David Copperfield.  What if he was a Cyborg?  Say you're reading the Three Musketeers.  What if the de-facto leader, Athos, was a Cyborg?  What if in the story of Jonah and the Whale, the whale was a Cyborg?(There should be more aquatic based Cyborgs in general).  What if we add them to movies.  What if in Philadelphia, Tom Hanks is a Cyborg?(this would carry over to Forrest Gump a year later, obviously.)....(Although, when he had those leg braces on, he kind of WAS a Cyborg.)  What if Andy from Toy Story had a Cyborg toy that was better than Buzz at everything because he's a Cyborg?  Anyway, the point is.  Everything would be better with a Cyborg.  And now, I'm just going to rattle off some pictures of notorious cyborgs listed in an earlier paragraph.  I hope you've enjoyed this bizarre entry, because I sure enjoyed writing it.


Sektor from Mortal Kombat
Dr. Claw
Cable from X-Men

Until Next Time, this bird's gotta fly!